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How to Combine Email Marketing and SEO to Increase Sales

email marketing and seo

Email marketing and SEO are important tools in the sales funnel

Businesses that combine email marketing and SEO can benefit from the positive results both these proven marketing techniques deliver. Done right email marketing generates an exceptional conversion rate. It will give you a very high return on investment. SEO drives fresh traffic to the business website. Fresh traffic means new leads, and ultimately new customers. SEO can help build a nicely targeted email list. Together, the synergy between email marketing and SEO leads to better brand awareness and increased sales.

Here’s how you can combine SEO and email marketing to boost sales

  • Use email marketing to learn what your readers want

Your email list subscribers can provide you with great ideas on content. Through a simple questionnaire, survey, or quiz you can gain pointed information on the content your audience is looking for. You can gain first hand knowledge about user intent from the consumer. Knowing intent will help you craft relevant content using targeted keywords and give yourself the best chance of getting the most out of your marketing dollars.

  • Use SEO-optimized content in the email newsletters

This strategy makes sense. Keyword-driven organic content helps lead visitors to sign up for your emails.  They will logically be receptive to content created around those keywords. Let subscribers know about how highly informative and useful the content is. Further, they should know how exclusive the content is, meaning it’s only for those on the email list. This is an incentive for them to sign up. Of course, you can repurpose the content for other platforms, preferably following a period of time after the email goes out.

  • Create website navigation based on the newsletter’s audience path

Traffic driven to your website by the email newsletters will leave a navigation trail. This trail can deliver useful insight into internal linking patterns that you may want to implement. You can use the information to structure your internal links for directing traffic to the money pages. The newsletter’s audience is also an excellent sounding board improving content on the website. Using their feedback, you can for assess the quality and type of content that should put on the website and tweak existing content. This strategy can make a positive difference to your SEO campaigns. Linking a portion of a blog post in the newsletter to the full blog is a smart way to move the conversation from the email to the website.

  • Measure campaigns across the two channels

If you implement an SEO campaign to rank for a keyword through great content, content marketing, backlinks, press releases etc. and then run another one to drive traffic to the targeted page through email newsletters, you may have a lot of interesting findings that can save you money. Businesses may actually find it easier to sell high ticket items through email marketing. Small to medium businesses can rank for many long tail keywords and benefit from SEO. All businesses can benefit from employing the two digital marketing methods synchronously.

We are SEO and online marketing experts. Drop us a line if you have questions about SEO, websites, email marketing or any other digital marketing subjects.




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