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6 Signs Your Website Needs a Redesign

website redesign

A website redesign every few years will help keep the customers coming

Today, owning a website is a non-negotiable part of running your business. Your company’s website is analogous to your retail storefront. After landing on your site, it takes a visitor only seconds to decide whether or not to purchase from you. Still, many businesses make the mistake of thinking of a website as a one-off activity. They fail to realize that keeping their website updated is one of the most important things they must do to generate more leads and attract customers. Indeed, an occasional website redesign is just as important as building a site in the first place.

Believe us; if your website is frequently down, difficult to navigate, or offers a poor user experience overall, you will lose out on customers. If your website is suffering from any of the below-mentioned issues, it is a sign that you need to upgrade it immediately:

Your website is not secure

With each passing year, web security is becoming more complex and difficult to manage. There is a whole world of unscrupulous elements out there looking for the smallest loophole to hack into your website. Unfortunately, website security is often overlooked and it leaves the website vulnerable to attacks and information compromised. This can harm your business and you may lose the trust of your customers. If your website security is not fully up-to-date, you should revisit the platform and framework on which the site is built and make upgrades to ensure that the site is safe for all visitors.

Poor user experience? Time for a website redesign

If your website is difficult to use and navigate, feels clunky, or has no aesthetic appeal, you must update the site and give it a fresh look. Just ask yourself a few basic questions and you will know if your customers are getting a poor user experience. Is the text on your site easy to read? Can you find something easily in just a few clicks? Is your navigation bar intuitive? Does your website offer a great mobile experience? Does it offer engaging content?

Low traffic, leads, and conversions indicates a website redesign is needed

If your website is not delivering the traffic, leads, or conversions you expect, you have a huge reason to consider a website redesign. Not getting enough traffic or leads means your visitors are not getting what they are looking for on your site. So, you must upgrade your site and get them back.

Updates are hard to make

Making small updates to your website such as adding a blog post or changing a product description should be very simple. However, in case your website is built on a platform that makes even the simplest updates difficult, you should consider upgrading to a new website built on an efficient and easy-to-use content management system.

It isn’t as good as your competitors’ website

If your competitors are doing a better job at attracting customers and selling their products than you, it is time you consider improving the onsite experience you offer. Anything could be wrong with the website including the aesthetics, performance, or functionality. It is important to evaluate your website in relation to your competitor’s website, find out what’s lacking, and then make the upgrades.

The website doesn’t meet Google’s core web vitals criteria

Google’s Core Web Vitals are a set of factors that the search engine considers important in a web page’s overall user experience. They are made up of three specific page speed and user interaction measurements including largest contentful paint, first input delay, and cumulative layout shift. These factors refer to the time it takes for the webpage’s main content to load, the time taken for a web page to become interactive, and the amount of unexpected layout shift of visual page content. There are ideal measurements for each of these factors and if your site fails to meet these criteria, it means you need to upgrade it urgently.

Do you think your website needs a facelift? Get in touch with our experts now.

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