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How To Build a Website That Ranks In 2024?

high ranking website

Best Tips for a High Ranking Website

The competition in the digital marketing space is constantly growing, which means, that building a simple website to maintain a digital presence won’t do much good. It is essential to develop effective strategies to maximize your online reach, including building a high ranking website . So, when you are building a new website for your business, SEO considerations should be included in the planning phase before you start writing the code. In this post, we will explore how web design and SEO work together to create a website that is both user-friendly and search-engine-friendly.  

Optimize your website’s structure 

Website structure refers to how information is laid out on your website, how it is designed, and how different pages connect with one another. The structure of your website plays a critical role in how search engines crawl and index your website. So, it is important to use a clear and logical hierarchy for the pages and use keyword-optimized, descriptive titles for each page. A sitemap is helpful for websites with many different web pages, particularly when they are not linked to other pages of the site.  

Publish authoritative content 

Without high-quality, authoritative content, you can’t realize the full benefits of SEO. Relevant content on your site motivates the visitors to stay longer, which positively impacts your rankings. Identify and target specific keywords for each page on your site. Don’t forget to use keywords in your page URL, page title, and page headings and subheadings. While doing so, make sure the content is not stuffed with keywords and seems natural. Be authoritative and include links to relevant sources both within your website and to other websites.  

Website speed 

While relevance remains the number one ranking factor, page experience is also important as it impacts a user’s ability to engage with the website. Speed is an important part of page experience as no one wants to engage with a website that takes ages to load. Some factors that can affect the page speed include web hosting, plugins, file sizes, coding, and traffic volume. It is important to address these issues during the development phase to ensure that you have a high ranking website that loads fast. 

Execute technical SEO 

If you want your website to rank high, ensure that it is mobile-responsive and offers a seamless user experience on all devices including smartphones and tablets. For this, you will have to optimize images and other media to ensure that your website loads fast on all mobile devices. Implement technical search engine optimization to provide a fast and seamless user experience.  

URL structure 

It is important to ensure that the URL structure is structured around your SEO strategy. The URL slug, the last part of the URL that serves as an identifier of the page should include only the web page’s focus keyword. You should do keyword research for each web page and focus on those keywords. This will keep your web pages accessible and help Google understand what keywords to rank your web pages for. The URL slug should be easy to remember and type into the search bar.  

Keep it simple 

To create a website that stands out, it is easy to get carried away and include too many design elements in the website. However, focusing too much on design and not on audience engagement and user experience, will defeat the whole purpose of having a website. It is important to keep the design simple and intuitive. Keep it clutter and hassle-free. Avoid complicated themes and dark colors. 

These are just some of the things you need to keep in mind when designing a website to ensure that it is search engine friendly. It is important to keep in mind that web development and SEO are complex processes and it takes a lot of experience and expertise to create a website that helps you sell.  

Looking for a web development company that can create a website that not only looks great but ranks well? Get in touch with our team right now. 

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