Elvin Web Marketing

Five Reasons Why A Blog is Important For Business

Ask almost anyone who uses a computer aseo, blog, blogging, online, marketing,nd they will say that they have heard of a blog or blogging. Many people will tell you that it is a website where a person or a group posts opinions, articles, or facts about a topic that interests them. Blogs come in many shapes and sizes, and a massive number of topics. Blogging is becoming prevalent in the business world, as well. The percentage of businesses that blog is up 17 points since 2009, from 48% to 65% in 2011 according to hubspot.com.

Why are so many businesses blogging? Here are five reasons why:

1. It builds credibility. Posting a blog regularly about specific aspects of your product or service will establish your business as an expert in your field.

2. It helps with SEO. Every blog page you publish on your site gets indexed by Google and the other Search Engines. The more pages indexed, the greater the possibility that your page will be found in a search. You can SEO each blog by placing the main keywords in the title, sub-title and body of the blog. Follow SEO rules for the meta description and meta title.

You should, if possible blog from your own site. This will create greater traffic to your site, and eliminate the inconvenience of having to click through to the site. If possible, use long tails for your blog. A long tail may look like this: http://abccompany.com/thisweeksblog. It spells out what the blog is about. Panda, Google’s new algorithm places a higher rank on long tails.

If your platform doesn’t allow for blogging, then by using Word Press or another blogging application, you could easily link your site with your blog. It creates another step or click to get your site, but it is still effective.

3. Linking to Social Media. One way businesses are increasing hits to their blog is by sharing the blog on various Social Media sites. Many blogging sites now have widgets that allow you to easily share your blogs. Using a link in your social marketing page will drive more readers to your blog, more prospects to your page, and more customers through your door.

4. Blogs help you solve problems for your customer or prospect. One of the things you can try is to talk with your customers/prospects. Find out the biggest problems they have to face. Then write a detailed blog on how to solve the problem. This will build trust between you and your customers/prospects. They will consider you a source for information and service when problems arise. It will make you referable as an expert, and someone who is customer oriented.

5. As you produce more and more quality blog articles, your subscription rate will explode. This means more prospects, more warm leads, more customers and more sales.

Finally, when it comes to blogging, more is better. Statistics show that companies that blog 16 to 20 a month got 3 times more leads that those that didn’t blog at all (hubspot.com).

As online marketing continues to grow, the ability to stand out as a reliable expert in your field will be essential to grow leads, acquire new business, and increase profitability. Blogging is a clear answer to getting your business qualified as a known expert who is customer focused. It’s time to set yourself apart from the competition before they set themselves apart from you.

Elvin Web Marketing is the source for online marketing. Whether it’s getting high Google rankings, improving your site content, blog writing, or email marketing, we can help.  Call us at 203-882-0171. Visit our webpage at http://elvinwebmarketing.com.


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