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Why White Hat SEO is best for Your Business

White Hat SEO

White Hat SEO is a proven strategy to get outstanding search results over time

When it comes to choosing the right SEO strategy for your business, it can seem like a bit of a minefield. SEO is a long term strategy so no business wants to spend months on their SEO to find they’ve lost their rankings at a later date. Since SEO is often changing, any advice you find could be long out of date by the time you read it.  Even when you think you’ve got it right Google can quickly change the goal posts, pushing your site back down the search results, or even out of Google altogether. There are many SEO strategies out there. They’re grouped into 3 general categories; white hat SEO, grey hat SEO and black hat SEO.


Do you know what you’re paying for?

How can you guarantee that the SEO techniques you are using, or even paying for are best for your business?

It can be pretty confusing when there are thousands of SEO “gurus” giving contrasting views, taking the wrong advice can have substantial effects on the success of your online marketing.

Many business owners will remember the effects of Google’s Penguin Update, launched April 24, 2012.  Penguin penalized sites using so called Black Hat SEO practices which violate Google’s webmaster guidelines.

The update caused long lasting affects for a countless businesses, damaging the search rankings of millions of websites and leading to an uphill climb to gain those rankings back.  Sadly since most business owners don’t have the time to keep up with SEO themselves they pay external agencies to manage it for them.  In a lot of cases they have no idea what SEO techniques they are actually paying  for or that they could be breaking any terms of service.

Never be penalized by the search engines

The best method for long lasting SEO results is to use White Hat SEO.  Since this type of SEO follows Google’s guidelines you won’t ever be penalized & in the long run your site will be rewarded.

What is White Hat SEO?


With other types of SEO there’s no guarantee you won’t be penalized.   While other types of SEO might promise “quick results” they may be short lived, so if you think you have found a miraculous method that will gain you overnight results, think again.


So what SEO techniques should you avoid?

Take a look at some of the other  SEO techniques that can do more harm than good.

Search engines like Google want to promote quality brands that grow naturally, not through artificial inflation.   The general rule is that if your SEO appears to be natural than you’re on the right track.

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