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Top 7 Most Essential On-Page SEO Factors

On-page SEO

On-page SEO is the process of optimizing web pages to improve search visibility. It involves publishing relevant, high-quality content, and tweaking the headlines, images, and HTML tags. Basically, on-page SEO helps search engines to understand your website and its content and determine if it appropriately answers the searcher’s question. If you too are looking to maximize your website’s visibility, here are the factors you must focus on: 

E-A-T means Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness. 

E.A.T refers to how Google ranks web pages in the search engine results page (SERP). It stems from Google’s search quality rating guidelines that define what it takes to create a website that ranks well.  

Expertise: It means to have a high level of knowledge on a particular subject. It is evaluated at the content level, not the site level. 

Authoritativeness: It is about reputation, particularly among experts and influencers in the industry. 

Trustworthiness: It refers to the transparency, accuracy, and legitimacy, of the site and its content.  

Your content should meet these criteria in order to rank well on the search engine result page (SERP). 

Meta Description 

It is the short summary of the web page that appears below the title tag within the search results. It helps search engines and users understand what the page is about. The meta description can also significantly affect the site’s click-through rates. It should be concise (around 50 characters) and describe the web page clearly.  

Title Tags 

Title tags appear within the search engine right below the URL and above the meta description. For your page to rank high on the search engine results page, your title tags should be attention-grabbing and optimized for the relevant keywords. Most SEO experts agree that the title tag should be under 60 characters or less and contain the exact-match keywords using the language of your target audience.  

URL (Uniform Resource Locator) 

URL makes it easier for search engine bots to understand your webpage. If the URL is incorrect, it can affect your rankings. In order to ensure that the URL is search engine friendly, include your keyword in it, go with HTTPS security, and keep it short and simple.  


As important as it is to target the right keywords, it is equally important to insert them correctly into specific places on your webpage. Inserting the keywords within the content is not enough, it should also be placed in the title tag, URL, H1 title, and H2 headings. Meta description, preferably within the first few words of the body. It is also important not to stuff the content with keywords and use them naturally. Long-tail keywords work better when it comes to improving search engine rankings.  

 Links Improve On-Page SEO 

A link is basically a set of words with a hyperlink, which when clicked upon takes the user to a new webpage. Both internal and external links can influence search engine rankings considerably because links help search bots discover and index new content on your site. They also direct users to other relevant pages. So, you must ensure that you include both internal and external links with appropriate anchor texts and also add links to citations and mentions.  

Images and videos 

Using images, videos, and other types of visual assets not only makes your content interesting but also creates opportunities to boost your website’s search friendliness. Images are returned for 19% of search queries on Google, which means, if you are not using images, you are missing out on traffic. So, include relevant images, videos, and infographics within your website, and do not forget to optimize the accompanying text.  

Do you think you need a fresh and result-oriented SEO strategy for your website? Are you concerned about the poor traffic numbers? Get in touch with our SEO team now to know how we can help.  

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